Day 8

Was your life full of potential this evening until you settled on the couch and turned on Netflix?

(And how do you stop that criticising brain of yours from making you feel horrible about it?)

Day 3

Sometimes, I wonder where we’d be if we lost our words. 

Maybe we’d spend more time showing our love than saying it.

Maybe we’d no longer be able to hurt by carelessly strewn sentences.

Maybe our eyes would be a love language of their own,

Our touch the grammar and punctuation,

The laugh lines etched at the corner of our lips

The only words we’d ever need.

Day 1

Day One.

If that isn’t pressure, I don’t know what is.

What you do today defines your year.

So you wake up early

And work out

And eat healthy

And read / write / paint / call.

Because what you do today defines your year.

Or so they say.

Because maybe you started today hung over.

Or slept till noon instead.

Maybe you spent it watching Netflix.

Or just responding to everyone’s WhatsApp messages.

Or stayed in bed sick.

Or stayed in bed, just because.

Maybe that’s okay.

Because no one day can take all that pressure.

New Year doesn’t have to mean a New Me or You.


There’s always Day Two.